Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Of Obsessions and excitements!

Happy 'V' day to all who are blessed, and best wishes to all who are waiting to be blessed !

I was very pleasantly surprised by a gift from Strato. Err, umm ... the non-typical-of-Strato tone apart, the packaging was wonderful. It had all the redness and pinkness thrown in for full measure and words that could easily make the angriest hearts melt. Reminds me of the old Dhara ad in which the sulking boy gets oh-so-excited at the mention of the word Jalebi. Hmm...
I had been somewhat sulking at her for making me wait for lunch. Meanwhile, the charge of the hunger brigade had been romping full blast inside my tummy.
I am told I have a way with words. Where there is a word, there is a way - what else can I say? Once before, I have been complimented on my ability for succint descriptions. And the compliment-giver was one of my favorite profs at IITK. She taught us Psychology, and in the first mid term she had asked a rather original question. If the structural psychologists and some-other-baffling-name psyhologists were to argue, what would be their points of agreement and disagreement? I believe I wrote a somewhat more animated description of the argumentation than the prof expected - may be, there were even a few murders at the heat of the moment ! Anyway, when I saw my evaluated answer script, I felt great reading the superscription - "You know how to write well. However, you should know what you are writing."
In other news, I have picked up some obsessions. While codebreaker-a-day is an old routine, now I do numerous sudokus a day. Also a codebreaker and a crossword. And the latest fad is loop-the-loop.

Just the day before, results were announced for the Poll-of-the-year. It set the mood right for thinking about the next inflection point in our lives. Uncertainty eats into my head and drives me mad. And there are only few things that can act as consolation.

Sometimes it surprises me. Sometimes it disturbs me. Whether 2 years put into MBA from an elite institution were worth it or not is more or less decided by the job you finally land. A rapid process, preceded by weeks of anxiety. And the moment of decision is so ephemereal. One moment you have all the choices in the world, the other moment you are tied. To a role, to a company, to a job.
The worst thing is that there is no alternative. Not in the amount of courage I am willing to spend in the process of finding a job.

Will post when I am done rhyming the ands with the wands.

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