Monday, May 23, 2005

The fourth semester at IITK

Well, by the time I reached my fourth semester, I had seen a lot of things. Had been into many precarious situations, and handled a lot of decisive situations. Done and seen a lot. At the same time, I had fallen neck deep into problems. One of them definitely pertaining to my studies. I had devastated at the way I had been performing, and some of my worst fears had come true. Little did I know that more nightmares were to follow.
That semester was the most eventful one for me... I saw some deep and miserable moments. Had terrible quarrels. Also lost some precious things. On hindsight, I had almost reached the nadir of spirits. Everything that could go bad had gone bad. In fact, a lot of irreversible reactions happened. Some of them definitely for the good. It seemed to me to be the end of a lot of things. Very fortunately, I made some new acquaintances. I met Dr Harbola Sir. A gem of a person. I think he played a crucial role in helping me get back to the rising curve. I gained in confidence, and poise. I learnt of my priorities, and redefined them. I made a lot of hard decisions.
In the end, I performed pretty satisfactorily. The downward fall of the graph had been checked, and I could heave a sigh of relief. I could now think of how to improve things. That required a lot of introspection. Unknown to most people around me, I was in pretty bad shape, all of this time. I had also needed a lot of help, and some friends around me helped me whatever way they could. Thanks to them that I am here writing this blog. :-) .

1 comment:

Suryansh said...

Never knew u too were into !! Don't u think the posts are too in u didn't go into specifics.