Friday, May 20, 2005

The third semester at IITK

I had so much fun in the summers that fell between the 2nd and 3rd semester. Played such a nice prank on this person... shefali_18. Memorable times. Spent so much of time just talking about everything under the sun. Ended up with some strengthened relations and some strained ones.
The third semester was more or less uneventful. I was spending more and more time hanging out, and became quite complacent about studies. In fact, I was very concerned about my studies, but I just did not seem to find a way out of the mess I had landed myself into. I couldn't focus at all. It had its toll on me, and often times, I would be so diffident about myself, it really hurt. I ended up feeling I was almost good for nothing.
Nothing much happened that would help me out of this. Though of course I had some really nice friends, who tried to console me in whatever they could, I didn't get the advice I really needed. I was going to meet my city friends very often :-)). And I was at the receiving end of quite a number of jokes but I couldn't care less. In second semester, I became acqauinted with Shashank, and I had begin to admire him a lot. I found his talents impressive and liked him a lot. I was getting closer to more friends and getting distanced from others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.