Tuesday, June 03, 2008

My head is eating circles

Having killed all officeflies (as against houseflies) in the 5-feet radius, I am at a loss figuring out how to stop my head from eating circles.

Just this Sunday, I went to a homeopathic doctor. I was asked questions about my food habits, career ambitions, fears and childhood days. And I had gone for an infection of the toe nail! If this isn't the height of holistic healing, I don't know what is. I had never given so much thought to my toenail while I was worring about my career choices during the MBA days. But now, I don't think I will be able to do anything substantial in my life without wondering how it might affect my toe nail.

I recently weighed myself. I weigh an astounding 64kgs! Like Strato always does, you could claim that my shoes and wallet together weigh 4 kgs implying that I am porly paid - since the weight comes from too many coins, or that I am poorly fed. While the former is true, I contest the latter. With a waist size increasing at the speed of India's population, I can hardly be called poorly-fed.

My camera has been lying ununsed for some time now. Well, I did click a few snaps last Sunday when a group of us met up, but the setting wasn't very amenable to clicking too many snaps. And I was left unsatisfied with the end product which resembled a kid's crayon painting when he/she is in a learning stage. The colors were hazy and the photo had camera shake - the only kind of shake I hate.

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