Monday, June 01, 2009

Sway with Cha cha cha

I have started learning Cha cha cha. In fact it has been 4 weeks. At a session a week, the pace seems slow, but we have been taught some pretty complicated steps. At my level of initiation, a lot of things seem complicated. But I am trying.
I absolutely love this song :

I really want to go on a trip somewhere. The last time I went on a long trip was in last November. The length of the trip was a meager one week. That is what a working life reduces us to - beasts of burden. I wonder what it must be like to be able to take a month off from work and travel around the world.
With a busy work life and lousy social life, I really have no choice. And when my friends tell me about their lucky travel plans ( one to Bondi beach, another to Brazil! ) I can only say Lucky Basses [The obvious expletive avoided to keep this a paarivarik blog ].
My dream travel destination : Scandinavia. I have been there once, but I can't get enough of it! It is just too beautiful. [ And way too expensive! ]

1 comment:

Suryansh said...

Nazar mat lagao bhai :P....btw, i felt the same when you mentioned ur eurotrip and the awesome dutch capital ;)