Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The crazy me.

This is my first blog, in the more popular sense of this word. I tried writing anonymous diary entries talking about black magic and deep conspiracies, but that was foiled. [ By a group called Lethargics International ] I always had this fear that my next door neighbour would figure out that I am the one who killed his pet squirrel, stomped on his doormat and pasted a racy poster on his door ! And once this was established, I wouldn't be able to escape the gallows for they would link me to everything from the stolen mess food to the wandering bitches!

I also tried writing memoirs of olden days, but that attempt wasn't very succesful either. It is still under progress and on-and-off, I do write some stuff. But today I resolve [ like I do every year not to fall in any more crushes ] to try my best to beat the blues out of TeamProcastinators.

Hail thee who helped me re-start this miss-adventure!

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