Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bhott do I want?

--Random thoughts disclaimer--

"Aye da, just look over there!"
Rather than 'there', I first had to look around me. Was he calling ME a yeda? [yeda=eccentric or something similar].
I mean, he had said it so sweetly, I wouldn't have taken offence to his plucking out a few hair from my armpit. But I needed to be sure about what he meant. People have weird ways!

Sometimes, people want to say something but end up saying something entirely different.
"I'd much rather rupture your ear drums with a toothpick than do this favor for you" is often disguised as "Okay, I will see". "No I won't" becomes "I will try".
"I am not so sure" becomes "Me too!".
I have had my share of such trickery as well.

Makes me wonder what it is that we are trying to achieve. I mean, it is stupid to assume that the counter party has a floating-point IQ in the range of 0-1. They can see it clearly. Why take the 'paap' then?
The compulsion to be socially/politically correct? May be.

At times, it is intriguing. "No, I am alright" means "I don't want to tell you". "Some other time" means "never". What do they/I want to say? What do I/they want to hear?

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